Glen Park
Ultra Whites
Far WESTern, NSW
Glen Park breed over 600 rams a year on their property in Far Western NSW about 50kms North of Wentworth. All sheep bred and raised on Glen Esk Station are run under extensive rangelands conditions allowing for natural selection for feed utilization and mothering. These conditions make them hardy and adaptable to seasonal variations and excellent meat producers under all conditions. Ram lambs are weaned onto an electric fence, allowing them to develop some respect for fences, helping with their management.
We've been working with Brendon and Maureen since the start of Mallee Media, filming their rams for sales, sires and promotional videos as well as Web and Graphic Design.
Videos & Feature Ram
AD Set's & Web Design
This year we've started designing and implementing ads for use on Facebook as well as in newspapers such as the Stock Journal, The Land and Stock and Land.
We create ads in different sizes to work in every placement on social media that is avaiable to hit as big of an audience as possible, leading to the best possible outcomes.